This system was developed to directly address the needs of handlers and trainers across the industry. The ability to quickly generate a large amount of odor from a single source while creating the adequate amount of Positive Pressure within the object eliminates the long set times normally required. Developed by Frank Pagano, with over 20 years experience as an instructor and a handler, this device has real world application with major benefits. Inert Products began working with Frank Pagano in 2016 to refine the concept and introduce it to the marketplace.
This system was developed to directly address the needs of handlers and trainers across the industry. The ability to quickly generate a large amount of odor from a single source while creating the adequate amount of Positive Pressure within the object eliminates the long set times normally required. Developed by Frank Pagano, with over 20 years experience as an instructor and a handler, this device has real world application with major benefits. Inert Products began working with Frank Pagano in 2016 to refine the concept and introduce it to the marketplace.
How It Works Using your preferred K9 scent training material within the Power Wake system, positive pressure within the target object (backpack, box, vehicle, etc.) results in the K9 being directed to the productive target areas such as seams, zippers and corners of a box or container. Features and benefits: Powered unit generates a large […]