Improvised Directional Mine (3D Printed Body) – Inert Replica Training Aid



Based on an improvised directional mine that was encountered in Ukraine during the Ukraine-Russian War, this training aid includes a 3D printed body, simulated Russian plastic explosive (PE), an inert replica EDP-R Russian electric detonator, and a bottle of BBs.

“This printed directional landmine has steel ball striking elements and an electric detonator. It is clearly inspired by the #Finnish “Mini-Hailstorm” directional landmine.”

For video of the real device visit

Available in the following configurations:

Basic Replica:
This device is visually correct only. There is no associated penalty monitor to indicate the device has been triggered.
Part Number : OTA-806

Our IED training aids can be modified to utilize different explosive types and/or switches upon request. Contact us to discuss your requirements for customized products that meet your training needs.

Additional information


Basic Replica, Functional w/ Siren, Functional w/ Wireless Transmitter