ATK-EA Russian Bomb Fuze – Inert Replica



This inert replica is assembled from a 3-D printed body connected a replica electric contact sphere with an insulated cable. The sphere is wrapped in a foil wrap like the real item is typically seen.

The ATK-EA (АTК-ЭA) is a Russian bomb fuze that has been used in the 2022 Ukraine-Russia conflict. It is a mechanical (clockwork action) electrically armed (using an electric squib and pyrotechnic pellet) cocked striker, time fuze.

It is used with Russian cluster bombs such as the RBK series and pyrotechnic filled aircraft bombs such as the SAB parachute flare series, Photab/Photoflash bombs and the AGITAB series (leaflet) bombs.

Inert Products can design and produce training versions of this item, including solid urethane or metal, cutaway models, or deluxe replicas that can be disassembled.

Contact us to request a custom price quote on this and our numerous other Ukraine-Russia conflict training aids.


Image provided courtesy of CAT UXO. For more information on this item, visit: