Exhaust Pipe RCIED, Type #2 – Inert Replica



This IED training aid includes a section of exhaust pipe filled with inert plastic explosive in an inert, remote control detonated IED (RCIED) configuration.

Available in the following configurations:

Basic Replica:

This device is visually correct only. There is no associated penalty monitor to indicate the IED has been triggered.

Part Number : OTA-6133

Functional Replica w/ Siren:

This device operates similar to the real IED, except there is a siren to indicate that the firing device has been triggered.

This particular IED includes a remote firing device, and the siren is activated when the firing device is activated.

Part Number : OTA-6133-FS

Functional Replica w/ Wireless Output:

This device also operates similar to the real IED, except a wireless signal is transmitted when firing device has been triggered.

A range of penalty monitors are available using this version, such as oxy/propane or compressed air blast simulation, LED lights, simulated scent generation, and more.

*The wireless transmitter requires a receiver; Click here for more info on the X-CAP Wireless Receiver.

Part Number : OTA-6133-FW

X-Ray :

This version of the replica IED is designed for use with X-Ray systems. Devices are constructed using explosives and components that will replicate the real device configuration.

Part Number : OTA-6133-XR

Our IED training aids can be modified to utilize different explosive types and/or switches upon request. Contact us to discuss your requirements for customized products that meet your training needs.

* The style of the pipe may vary based on availability, and is subject to change without notice.