This training aid includes an empty propane tank with bulk inert C4 (used as a booster). The tank has been emptied and modified so it cannot be filled, and can ship worldwide.
The device includes an inert electric detonator which can be combined with our other components to create a complete IED training aid.
Available in the following configurations:
Basic Replica:
This device is visually correct only. There is no associated penalty monitor to indicate the IED has been triggered.
Part Number : OTA-6196
This version of the replica IED is designed for use with X-Ray systems. Devices are constructed using inert explosives and components that will replicate the real device configuration.
Part Number : OTA-6196-XR
Our IED training aids can be modified to utilize different explosive types and/or switches upon request.
Contact us to discuss your requirements for customized products that meet your training needs.